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This is a clip from a great Australian show called ‘The Gruen Transfer’ which I first got hooked on when visiting my Gran who lives over there. The basic premise being that two ad agencies are asked to ‘sell the unsellable’ , in this case changing the venue of the London Olympics to Australia.

Today may mark a pivotal point in this blog’s history as I come scurrying back to wordpress with my tail between my legs from my experiences with tumblr, which havn’t been great. Seems they don’t like you to find adding in feeds or widgets very easily just yet, maybe in a couple of years it’ll be up to scratch but after my time using wordpress on a trip with AND to the Vancouver Paralympics last year tumblr seemed sort of prehistoric. Happy reading/watching and listening!


The second of my later than expected posts now, this time the trip to ‘5 live’ and the chance to see a live radio show in action; ‘606’ a live football talk show airing on a Saturday and Sunday . After a nice loud and busy ride down the Central line to White City and a quick bit of spot-the-news-reader in reception we were led past the security gates and up into the beating heart of British Broadcasting, well Five Live anyway which was mostly desks, computers and those chilled water machines which are always so much fun to fiddle with. Once in the studio however everything looked pretty much exactly how I had imagined it, a large bank of computers with enough knobs and switches to last a lifetime. Then there was the production team, with headsets on and a million jobs to do it was great to see just how much controlled mayhem goes into producing the smooth and entertaining shows we’re all used to listening to. Past an incredibly thick layer of glass sat the hosts themselves, which with respect seemed to be the easiest job in the house, but stressful none the less, the energy in the studio was infectious though and by the end of my time in the studio I sort of wanted to get in there myself.

After that we moved on to ‘call ops’ which was a little less glamorous but vital none the less, the job of the guys back here was to first speak to all of the people calling into the show and then to select the ones most appropriate for live broadcast which is perhaps unsurprisingly not that many!


After a stone cold silence since this blogs inception a couple of weeks ago, and much racking of brains, I have decided upon a little more focused subject matter rather than ‘whatever I like’ which naturally would have been quite a lot. Instead I will be visiting and writing about as many events and goings on in London as my exam filled timetable will allow, which hopefully will be plenty. More specifically I will try to write about things which I think young-uns’ such as myself will enjoy as well as anyone else who happens to pass through this way.

Whilst I would’ve of course relished the opportunity to vent my anger or delight at what ever may have taken my fancy, I am also slightly uncomfortable with the idea that perhaps no one would care or find either of the two particularly engaging, not quite to the levels of mundane which many people achieve by tweeting about eating a slice of toast but none the less, people have better things to do for a start, although I am sure I can make a few exceptions if it’s really got me going. 

So, check back soon for some more ‘stuff’, the rest of the social media group and I are lucky enough to be visiting the BBC’s studios in White City on Saturday, for a live in-studio viewing of ‘606’ on 5 Live, first experiences of how a live radio show actually works behind the scenes should be really interesting, hopefully for you to read about as well as for us to witness! 


As suggested by the name of my blog and the title of this post, My name is Jake and this is my first post, coming to you hot from the press at AND’s offices in Stratford, whilst Stoke Newington may be my home, Stratford is certaintly important to the point of this blog which Is going to serve two purposes, firstly to catalogue my work with Headstart, a program run by AND and secondly as a platform to show the world/who ever’s reading, what I’m watching , listening to and more importantly thinking.

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Well, seen as 2012 is coming up, and according to that great film some of you may have seen, the world is going to end, so perhaps it’s time we did something about it ? Well, it seems have got the right idea about getting the word out there, perhaps the new coalition government will sheperd in a new-era of climate action? well we can always hope can’t we!

Sign up, and take part in the events being organised in London this year, the idea is that all over the world there will be a day of climate activism, I think they did one last year and it got loads of coverage so it’s not one of those pointless things organised on the internet that never actually happens.


maps witht the location of all the events planned worldwide so     

They also have a facebook and twitter-

Perhaps a little belatedly I would just like to say a big official , for the world to see thank you to AND, the trip to Vancouver was great and it really helped me gain a lot more focus to work which I have done since and plan to do in the future. Did an interview with Victoria about the trip today which really brought it all flooding back, made a change being in front rather than behind the camera too.

It’s quite a few weeks since our amazing trip to Vancouver and they sure have been busy! Apart form all the catching up with friends, family and school work we’ve been doing a lot of talking about the follow up and future of the project and it feels like the whole experience is about to go of in a whole “new direction” …sorry couldn’t help the pun there.

Within school we’re planning a couple of different things for the coming weeks, we’ll be presenting our videos, photos and thoughts on the trip to our year group. We will also helping with an assembly which will give our year oppurtunities to ask any questions they have about the London olympic and paralympic games, hopefully we can show everybody just how much the games are going to affect young people especially, both in the next couple of years, during the games and once the games are over.

Our work with ‘a new direction’ is also looking set for a whole load of fun new off-shoots, keep checking back for more details on that.

In other news, seems all five our of our prayers may be answered when it comes to volunteering for the games at least ! It was with a sense of excitement that I received an email from Steve W / Gene with a link to the wonderful magic another young Londoner has managed to work through being young Mayor of Newham. Must admit it would seem a shame if 2012 don’t tap into all the raw potential us bright young things have to offer! There really is a want out there from everyone I have spoken to, to get involved with 2012 and help out, and it is nice to see a little bit of breaking the mold of the old stereo-types we sometimes get boxed into, I’m not ALWAYS grumpy and unresponsive you know!

A story composed in response to our trip to the Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver


It is morning and at last I am all alone. The hot sun gently warms my body and with the sand soft against my 
back I feel as though I’m floating adrift in a sea if liquid amber. It 
flows in and around me the raw power of the heat lapping at my eye 
lids, “wake up, wake up” it says. I answer her call and for a moment I am blind, the light is too much 
for the hours of solitary confinement my eyes have endured.

Then the silence is broken. A single shot, a hammer which breaks the 
glass box of silence I’m in, and now that the silence is broken it is 
as though the flood gate of my mind has been lifted.

 I remember.

 The shouts, the screams, the soft crunch as bones are shattered and 
broken into a million tiny fragments.

 A room of infinite light bulbs to which someone has just found the off 

I pick myself up and set off at a steady run. My feet throwing the 
soft sand high into the air. Today I am the hunted, I am the one 
hiding in the dark corners and I am the one in fear. 

I was once the king of this place, everything changed when THEY came, 
with their technology and ‘intelligence’. On a quest of destruction 
they wished for nothing other than to control, to take, to consume.

 But they were blind and they could not see, see the path of destruction on 
which they had set themselves. One day the tables would truly be 
turned. They would be the hunted, running and hiding, running and 
hiding until they can go no longer. Then once more I will be alone, 
swimming in a pool of silence. Nothing but my soul for company.

About Me

I blog about Politics and the London Olympics. If you're looking for some passionate blogging from the perspective of a young Londoner over the next weeks and months then subscribe to my blog below and follow me on

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